Quality Policy
Multi Maritime AS shall deliver services with correct quality and in accordance to current laws and regulations, in a competitive way which accommodate our customers need, demand and expectations. We shall also seek to accommodate other stakeholders demand and expectations.
Quality for Multi Maritime AS is defined as follows:
Delivery of services according to agreed quality and on schedule – customer satisfaction
Focus on continuous improvement
Overall qualitative objective is:
Multi Maritime AS will be a preferred service provider of ships- and process technical engineering services
This is achieved by Multi Maritime AS:
Is constantly developing its employees
Focuses on the fact that our customers will experience us as professional and reliable
Have good financial management and further develop our services
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate, issued by Dovre Sertifisering.
Follow-up of quality objectives
This is done by:
We have customer needs in focus
We are available and reliable
We are adaptive and adaptable
We work for a positive working environment
We establish good internal work routines and systems that ensure the right delivery of services
We have systems that provide continuous improvement of internal processes
We facilitate continuous competence development
We stimulate that employees are motivated to comply with our quality policy
This is measured through
Conversation with the corporate health service
Customer surveys
Regular evaluation of goal achievement