A new hull form and propulsion concept has been developed. Normally on a double ended ferry both the forward and the aft propeller provides thrust. However the forward propeller is significantly less efficient than the aft. The new concept has thrusters with controllable pitch propellers which can be feathered, the forward propeller is then feathered and the aft propeller provides all thrust during transit. This will signicficantly increase the ferry’s propulsion efficiency. When docking and undocking both propellers may be used for optimal maneuverability.
The most eye catching feature is the two Flettner rotors which act as sails. For a typical fjordcrossing the “fuel” saving is calculated to 10-30% (depending on wind conditions etc.) In combination with the controllable pitch propellers this also enables the potential of generating electricity from “surplus” wind energy. (Using the thrustermotor as generator.)
The concept is developed with a energy efficient DC distribution system. This is a flexible platform for different engine / fuel configurations, ranging from a pure battery ferry to different (plug in) hybrid options.
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– Green ferry concept
Multi Maritime has, in close cooperation with the ferry operator Fjord1, launched a green ferry concept. The ferry is a flexible green ferry concept, which incorporates several features to reduce the ferry’s environmental footprint.
The main aim of the project was to develop a flexible design that is energy efficient, environmentally friendly and innovative without compromising safety, traffic efficiency and comfort for passengers or crew.
Length, overall: 111.00 m
Breadth, moulded: 17.00 m
Depth, moulded: 5.50 m
Draught: 3.50 m
Car capacity: 125 –
Passenger capacity: 350 –
Deck load: min. 600 t